June 01, 2011

Coleen Rooney trades insults via Twitter AGAIN (So the Where's Wally-inspired outfit was a perfect choice)

Coleen Rooney has let her emotions get the better of her again, becoming embroiled in yet another furious Twitter row.
The red mist descended when she saw comments that had been posted underneath a picture she'd shared of herself and footballer husband Wayne in a pub.
Snapping back at one user who said she looked orange in the photo, Mrs Rooney resorted to calling the woman a dog.
Down the pub: The photo that Coleen Rooney posted on Twitter of herself and husband Wayne sparked a row
Down the pub: The photo that Coleen Rooney posted on Twitter of herself and husband Wayne sparked a row 

Twitter user Trickehvickeh had written: 'Look how orange yu are n how ugly ya rich cheating husband is!'


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  • Earning power: Wayne vs Coleen (thisismoney.co.uk)
Mrs Rooney spat back: 'haha thanks for that laugh!!! Just seen ur profile pic!! Are u feeling ok cause ur face looks very pale to ur body!!! #dog'
And, as the story made headlines this morning, she had threatened to leave the social-networking site, posting a message saying: 'Another pointless twitter story hits the headlines!! #shouldIstayorshouldIgo?'Fight back: The mother-of-one retaliated after a nasty Tweet
Fight back: The mother-of-one retaliated after a nasty Tweet

However Mrs Rooney's fans rallied round the star with messages like 'ignore the haters'.
Eight minutes later she told fans she would remain on the site, despite recent outbursts by both herself and her husband.
She tweeted: 'Ok you convinced me to stay!! No one gets me down on this thing, people just make me laugh!!! Good morning x'
Casual: Coleen Rooney was dressed down in a red and white striped sweater - though she was carrying a Hermes bag - as she strolled in Wilmslow
Casual: Coleen Rooney dresses down in a red and white striped sweater - though she is carrying a Hermes bag - in Wilmslow
WAG style: The mother-of-one's jumper looked like that worn by cartoon character Where's Wally however
WAG style: The mother-of-one's jumper looked like that worn by cartoon character Where's Wally however
WAG style: The mother-of-one's jumper looked like that worn by cartoon character Where's Wally
Like Coleen: Children's cartoon favourite Where's Wally
Like Coleen: Children's cartoon favourite Where's Wally

Earlier this month Rooney made headlines when he apparently threatened a Twitter user who posted an abusive message towards him.
The follower tweeted: 'Rooney ya fat w***e ill smash ya head in with a pitchin wedge an bury ya with a ballast fork ya fat ugly lil n***e.'
To which the Manchester United striker replied: 'I will put u asleep within 10 seconds hope u turn up if u don't gonna tell everyone ur scared u little nit. I'll be waiting.'
But he was soon to backtrack later, posting a message to tell followers it was just a bit of banter.
A source told the Daily Star that Mrs Rooney was fully aware of the very public nature of what she was saying on the social networking site.
They said: 'Coleen knows she shouldn't get drawn into arguments on Twitter. But at the same time, she shouldn't have to take abuse.
'She's no shrinking violet. She's just standing up for herself and Wayne.'
As revealed by the Mail yesterday, Mrs Rooney's emotions may be a bit bruised, hence her shorter temper on Twitter.
Richard Kay reports that she's been dropped from the next series of the X Factor as one of their regional reporters.
Meanwhile she certainly showed she'd earned her stripes when she put on a red and white top to run some errands yesterday.
The WAG was out in Wilmslow, Cheshire, when she was seen with her Where's Wally style striped sweater with matching red deck shoes and blue jeans.
All that appeared to be missing from the multi-millionaire TV presenter and magazine columnist was the matching red and white bobble hat.

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