Are not you satisfied with your butt? Then try these exercises. They will help you to improve the shape of the legs and buttocks for this seummer. If you dream about ideal "round", do few reps and try to do exercises with weight. If you want to reduce the amount of fat of the buttocks, do more repetitions with less weight.
1. Exercise strengthens the back, front thigh and butt.
Stand up straight. Feet should be apart as shoulder. Try to hold your shoulder and back straight, try like seat on the chair. Hold this position. Then seat down deeper, so legs will bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Hold this position as much as you can. Repeat for more than 15 times.

2. Exercise stretches the front, side and back of the thigh.
Kneel down like cat. Hold your back straight parallel to the ground. Lift right leg straight toward to back to you spine level. Lift left hand straight toward to front same to your spine level. Try to keep balance on your left knee and right hand and hold this position as much time you can. Then do the same with another hand and knee.
3. Exercise makes strong the butt muscle and the side muscle of the thigh.
Seat on your both hands and on the right knee. Slowly bring your left leg sideway, bend the knee. Make circle clockwise then anti clockwise. Repeat the same with other leg. Do it for 25 times.

4. Exercise makes strong the butt muscles and back of the thigh.
Seat on the right knee, so, the knee will be under the thigh. Keep your butt muscle tight. Keep left leg straight toward to the front. Lift it up as much as possible that your heel is looking at the ceiling. Don’t bend the knee. Repeat with right leg. Do it for 25 times.
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